Capture arbitrage opportunities early with access to full market picture

Improve your data coverage, accuracy and processing power to get to market-moving trends first.
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The most complete picture of global energy flows in a singular view
Full market coverage
Combine access to 99% of the world's waterborne energy flows with the most complete dataset of crude inventories available in the market today.
Reliable future indicators
Get a headstart in positioning your trades by forming a forward-looking view of the market with predictive destination analytics and real-time diversion signals.
Discreet competitor intelligence
Inform your trading strategy by observing exports by other industry players to identify hotspot refineries in your market - without anyone knowing,
Who are you?
Click on your specialism to explore how Vortexa can take you to the next level
Physical trader
Trading analyst
Our products
Freight Analytics
Energy Flows Analytics
Inventories Analytics